Welcome to the Drachenwald pelicans first blog post. Here we aim for you to hear stuff directly from us and therefore the title of the page has to be:
Straight form the bird´s mouth
During this pandemic, we all have been trying to endure not being able to meet all our good friends in person for events, crafts, fighting, good food and lots more.
At an online meeting, we talked about how we can be of service even in these times and also about how people (and sometimes also among ourselves) have a hard time defining what makes a pelican. Every peer has a different path to becoming a peer, but the pelican path is the most clouded we think.
On this page, we will try to present the Drachenwald pelicans own stories and write articles about stuff that matters to us. Hope you will find this interesting and follow us on this journey.
Sincerely from the founders of this page
Duncan, Isabetta, Edricus, Victoria and Ingrid
Edricus Ingrid Duncan Isabetta Victoria